Last week, you decided if you wet or filled your diaper it needed to come off ASAP. And if mom wasn’t available at that exact moment, you’d take matters into your own hands. Multiple times a day I found you buck naked, with occasional accidents on the floor, crib, oh and my iPad…
My thinking was, if I’m going to clean up accidents, I might as well potty train, you seem ready enough. When your dad came home, the two of us went to buy Lightening McQueen and Mater underwear, crackers and chips (you still dislike treats), and a few dollar store cars and animals. We talked about the potty all the way home, and I was more than ready to conquer potty training as we walked through the door.
With your dad’s help, we started immediately and you caught on quickly. You did pretty darn well for never sitting on the toilet before, (In the past you’ve been deathly scared of it). Right before bed you ran all by yourself to the toilet, but just barely missed it. I was happy you were making the connection by yourself.
The next morning we started bright and early, and needless to say by the end of the day we were FINISHED. You did great, but there was no way to focus on you as much as I needed to. Just imagine a toddler with wet underwear screaming simultaneously along with his two hungry little brothers as their mom was making bottles. Yeah, I’ll admit potty training you with 6 week old twins at home wasn’t my brightest idea.
Even amongst the frustration, I busted up laughing when I walked in and saw your dad looking like this. Needless to say, it was that moment that your dad told me we were finished… Who’d argue with that face?
I’m anything but a procrastinator, and it’s finally sunk in that some things are going to have to be put on hold for awhile. Sorry buddy, I’m accepting the fact that you might just be 3, 4, or even 5 before I get around to potty training you…haha. Heck, maybe we’ll just wait and train all 3 of you together.