If you show up at my doorstep unannounced, I can’t promise you sanity.
Your experience might be a little overwhelming, and will probably go a lot like this -
First, you’ll hear Pog barking as soon as you ring the doorbell, and you’ll notice she will do everything in her power to escape as soon as the door is opened.
Her barking will then create a chain reaction, and within a matter of seconds, you’ll hear 3 kids crying along with a barking dog…that is if Pog isn’t already half way down the block by then.
I might not be lookin’ pretty, scrounging for clothes, my face without makeup, and my hair will probably be on the top of my head.
Heck, I might be desperate enough and shove a colicky baby right into your arms, whether I know you or not.
After all this, we’ll attempt to have a conversation, and you’ll struggle finding a place to stand, due to the toys scattered on the floor. If you’re lucky I won’t invite you in, rather, I’ll shut the door behind me, leaving the chaos inside and talk to you on our front steps.
Welcome to Crazyville.
(I’m not writing this post to complain, rather, I’m trying to document our life right now, because one day I know I’ll miss this)
I’ve had some people say they’ve stopped by and nobody answered the door... I apologize, but there have been times I’ve been feeding or bathing the twins, or even in the basement doing laundry. I don’t always have an extra pair of hands to stop what I’m doing and open the door, so if you call or text before you drop by, I’ll make sure Pog is in her kennel, and we’ll be ready for you.
But I still can’t promise your experience will be anything but hectic.
And don’t say I didn’t warn you.