Yes, I’m a little late posting these, but that seems to be my life these days :) These were taken by the talented Kassie Crapo, when the twins were exactly one month old. It was a little later than usual due to Cruiz staying in the NICU for three weeks. These two boys were a little difficult, being a month old, they didn’t sleep much, and Cannon was very aware of what was going on. But nonetheless, I love them, and am already a little sad that they’ve tripled in size, and miss the hair they had left in these pictures. I kind of liked having boys with dark hair, it’s now coming in blonde, just like their older siblings.
I had to throw this one in, I’m usually the one behind the camera, but this is how we sat for weeks, all cuddled together, looking exhausted. Cruiz is on the left, Cannon on the right. (Took me a minute to figure it out)
Thanks Kass we love them.
Bow ties: Simply Sublime Design