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Four Month Old Twins


Terry, Pat’s stepmom asked me if the past few months have been easier or harder than I expected, and without hesitation I answered, “Harder!” It’s been rough, really rough, but this last week went much smoother, and I’m hoping it’s only uphill from here.


Month three kicked off with a lot of crying. Both boys cried all day (and sometimes all night) long! After three months, the crying gets to you. I admit, I had plenty of breakdowns myself. I purposely moved the boys to two different schedules – hoping one crying baby would be easier to handle. Though it was easier, it also meant I never got a break, I mean never! I always had a baby to tend to. Both boys hate the swing, vibrator chair, and until recently the bumbo, so I rarely had free hands. (Thank goodness for my Moby wrap!) Cannon struggled sleeping at night, and Cruiz would stay up during the day. Both boys couldn’t seem to function while being awake. Pat’s been soo good about coming home and dealing with the chaos. He usually immediately begins picking up or making dinner without complaining. Ah, I’m lucky to have him!



Anyway, on to better news. About half way through the month, Cannon began showing improvement due to different formula, regular chiropractor visits, meds for acid reflux and probiotics (Thank you for the comments for all of these tips) Cruiz took a little longer, but these past few days he’s shown major improvement as well! Last week I brought up the jumperoo and exersaucer and the boys loved them! It’s the first time they have been content being by themselves while being awake. This has enabled me to accomplish a few things during the day, even if it’s only jumping in the shower. And it’s made Ledger a happier boy as well. Now that they are improving, my main struggle is getting them back on the same schedule.




Ledger thought it was unfair that he didn’t have his own “Jungle.”


Cannon – sleeping again, once feeling better this kid started sleeping much better!


This picture cracks me up, Cannon finds Ledger soo funny. Look at that chubby face!





Cannon Ball– Has been so fun these past two weeks. He has a unique smile, and will babble with a very serious face for hours. He still doesn’t love to snuggle next to Cruiz, and won’t look at him very often, but will watch Ledger like a hawk. He definitely gets less time with me because Cruiz is much more needy, but he’s usually a good sport about it.  His personality continues to match what we saw during ultrasounds, he’s more active, and seems more driven. His head practically grew over night and now reminds me of his older sister’s, but everything else matches Ledger (minus an open mouth). His head is beginning to go flat in the back so we all suffer through tummy time while he screams the entire time. But he is super close to rolling over.


Cruizer– is a straight up Momma’s boy. He’s incredibly needy and my cuddler. There’s nowhere he’d rather be than in my arms. His personality continues to match what the ultrasounds showed as well – he is content when he is next to someone. He probably loved being squished up next to Cannon for 9 months, and sometimes I feel that’s why he was in the NICU for so long…as long as people were there holding him, he didn’t need anything more… Once he’s around people, he’s completely on show – jabbering to anyone who makes eye contact with him. He’s started to jabber and coo all day long, and I find his dimpled grin irresistible. He is a great sleeper during the night, but struggles with naps during the day. Just this past week we put him in Ledger’s room at night, and he’s done great. When he’s happy, he reminds me so much of Preslee, definitely more than his two brothers..

This past month both boys are…

drinking 5 ounces every 3-4 hours.

beginning to go for longer periods without being swaddled. But if we want them to sleep, we swaddle them right up!

wearing  6 month clothing, Cannon is a little heavier.

wearing size 2 diapers

obsessed with binkies

talking more than any of our other kids

And I’m beginning to be able to tell their cries apart…sometimes.

I’ve suddenly had multiple twin mom’s say 4 months is when everything turned around. So here’s to hoping it does! C’mon boys, we’ve got this!


Cannon, Cruiz


Cruiz, Cannon

Love you two!

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