(Dec. 17 – Jan 17)
Though we made huge strides during the 5th month, it seems like the 6th month we took a HUMONGOUS step backwards. Let’s be honest, these two are tough! Definitely my hardest kids, and I was blessed to have them at the same time :) I told Pat that I hope they have twins, so they understand what they put us through. Pat instantly replied, “No you don’t! Then we have to help them and do it all over again!” Hmm…Good point.
Boys, just know you put us through the wringer!
This past month, the boys struggled whenever they weren’t being held, and by the middle of the month they were crying all the time, even while in my arms. And when they cry nonstop, a schedule becomes obsolete. And if you have twins, you know you need to be on a schedule! We all became super frustrated, poor Ledger craved attention and started acting out. He’s been a trooper! After six months, the lack of sleep catches up. My patience began to wear thin. I feel like there may not be an end in sight.
But on a more positive note, we made it half of a year. {Insert congratulatory applause here} Good thing they are pretty darn cute.
The Boys are currently…
Rolling over!– On Dec. 18th, Cannon rolled from his stomach to his back. The next morning, on the 19th, Cruiz rolled from his back to his stomach. They both rolled over 12 hours apart. Cannon continues to hate tummy time, so anytime I place him on his stomach he rolls over. He has yet to roll from his back to his stomach. Cruiz on the other hand rolls all across the room, but lately only rolls onto his stomach and then screams because he is stuck...
Eating solids– The pediatrician told me to start them on solids, so their first meal was peas, which Cruiz loved. In fact, every time I fed Cannon he growled, he was a little impatient. They tolerate green beans, but can both finish up their own jar of sweet potatoes with ease. They have never skipped a feeding and are big boys. I’m feeding them rice cereal almost every other feeding, or else they want to eat every two hours.
(I know this pic is posted above, but I had to post it again. Here they are sleeping in Grandpa Sullenger’s closet. Oh, the swaddle. Getting them ready to go down is a lot of work!)
Sleeping worse! - I was usually up between 3-6 times a night. After talking to a few other twin moms who have had kids in the NICU, we’ve wondered if the strict schedule makes them this way? My boys used to wake up on the dot to eat, and we’ve had one heck of a time getting them to stop the habit. They are still being swaddled, and need a binky.
Laughing– They are super ticklish. They will squeal when tickled on their feet, and on their back between their shoulder blades, and tummys.
At the end of the month Pat said, “I know the pediatrician said the reflux should be gone, but they are acting just like they were while they had it.” So we decided to give them their meds again just to see if that would help, and guess what, after about three days the boys began calming down. I swear the horrible month ruined their sleeping habits, and we’re once again praying they will start improving in all aspects of life!
But even though its been a little rough, we sure do love these two. We’re lucky to have them.