Boys, let me tell you about today…
Today I woke up to one of you crying. When I opened the door I saw Ledger laying in bed playing peek-a-boo with Cruiz across the room. Cannon, you had wet through your diaper and were obviously upset. :) But the giggles coming from Ledger and Cruiz were contagious, and before long Cannon, you joined in. The perfect way to start out our day—laughing.
The laughing didn’t last long, once we walked out of the bedroom all three of you broke down, Ledger explaining, “We’re hungry, mom!” The twins held on to my legs and cried while I desperately tried to make all of you breakfast. I gave up on eggs, and gave in to cereal. You were all thrilled when I poured Life into your cereal bowls. Cruiz, you didn’t eat much, you were more interested in feeding Pog…
We played hard today. The front room instantly became a disaster, which we are all used to. Cannon, you ripped a few books up while I was changing your brother in the back room. Cruiz, you fell off the couch and practically did a back flip and landed on your neck, which led to about 30 minutes of crying in my arms, and me making sure you were really okay. Later, I heard a thud in your bedroom and Ledger came running out and exclaimed, “Don’t worry mom, I didn’t hurt my brain inside my head!”
I already forgot what I fed you all at lunch, my guess is a PB & J sandwich. And Cruiz, I’m sure you fed half of it to Pog…
Cannon, you refused to sleep (Just like the night before) so I took you out of the room so Cruiz could get a nap in. You became angry when I didn’t pull the baby gate down to let you in to the kitchen while Ledger and I finished a task, so you did what made sense in your little head, you stood in front of the door to your room and and yelled until you woke your brother up so you wouldn’t be alone. Let me tell you, I was thrilled.
Your dad didn’t make it home in time for dinner, and with three sleep deprived kids, I gave in and fed you before five. The few minutes of silence was completely worth it. Nobody wanted to eat the rice, chicken, and black beans, so I took turns feeding all three of you. Pretending the spoon was an airplane, convinced Ledger the meal was edible.(Okay, maybe it was was the bribe that anyone who finished their food got a piece of my leftover Birthday cake). Cannon, you got sick of waiting for your turn, and while I was focusing on Ledger, picked up Cruiz’s plate and threw it at the baby gate. The food landed on the carpet in the hallway and generously fed Pog your brother’s entire meal… (No exaggeration, I promise!)
After dinner, all three of you were in hysterics, and for all of our sanity Cannon and Cruiz, you were put to bed by 6:45. By the time I came out to grab Ledger, well, he was asleep on the couch. Ledger, when I lifted you up to take you to bed, I heard, “Mom, I lub you, and you’re the prettiest.”
My heart instantly melted, and just like that, everything that happened today was worth it. Motherhood is a crazy adventure, and at times I feel like I have NO idea what I’m doing. But thank you. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for being so forgiving when I lose my cool with all of you. Thank you for the millions of hugs and kisses that are given to me each day. And thank you for filling my once empty arms, I know you’ll never completely understand, but just know your chaos saves me, even if it seems like I don’t appreciate in the moment.
I could go on and on about how much I love you, but you’ll have to forgive me, putting you to bed at 6:45 means an early morning for all of us, so I’m off to bed myself. See you bright and early.