The boys were immediately placed in the NICU, and we were repeatedly told how amazingly well they were doing for being 35 weekers. Boys usually tend to develop more slowly than girls, so for being boys they were doing exceptional.
They quickly came off oxygen and feeding tubes, and the only thing they needed to work on was eating more quickly. If it takes a preemie too long to eat, with each feeding they become more and more tired, and many times become too tired to eat and function on their own. Often times they’ll end up back in the NICU. So the goal was to have the boys eat 2 oz. every three hours in 30 minutes. Cannon always fed at the hour, and Cruiz at the half hour (Right before Cannon came home on day 9, they switched them, not sure why)
Cruiz seemed to be doing better than Cannon, and we were told there was a good chance he would go home before Cannon. He’s always eaten better than Cannon from the beginning.
After being there a week, they performed their car seat challenge. The boys had to be able to stay in their car seat for 90 minutes without any problems. They first tested Cruiz, and he lasted 45 minutes when they pulled him out and placed him on oxygen, which he has stayed on ever since. Cannon passed without any problems.
Friday the 26th, and day 9 in the NICU, Cannon was discharged without his brother. (The opposite than what everyone thought would happen) Doctors repeatedly kept telling us they thought Cruiz would only be a few days behind because he was on very little oxygen, but every time they try to wean him off, he just can’t quite make it. He’s currently on 23% oxygen, and needs to be down to 21% for 24 hours in order to be discharged.
The boys went about a week without seeing each other. I brought Cannon back up for a visit, and Cruiz snuggled right in. It really is amazing to watch these two together.
Today is Day 20 in the NICU for little Cruizer, and I think it’s safe to say we’re both exhausted. I’ve been blessed to be able to visit Cruiz every single day, Pat’s been incredible and usually takes on Ledger and Cannon while I visit. I’ve been trying to pump, but for whatever reason I have struggled making milk. I’ve worked a lot with the lactation consultant, and have been told it’s not uncommon for moms to struggle making milk while kids are in the NICU, or are stressed. Finding babysitters, leaving a newborn to visit a newborn, driving 20 minutes to the hospital, and trying to find time to pump during the day is exhausting.
We asked last week if Cruiz could come home on oxygen and we were told they wouldn’t consider it until he was at least a month old. So unless he improves soon, we’re looking at possibly bringing him home next week.
I wish I had pictures of everyone who visited and took time to feed the boys. My Aunts went out of their way to take the 10 PM shift, we are so blessed to have so much family around to help. And a big thank you to the many nurses we’ve worked with. Our boys were certainly in good hands.
C’mon Cruiz, let’s get out of here!